Dr. Daniel Zabaleta has more than 17 years of national and international experience in the aesthetic dentistry field. He specializes in dentistry, aesthetics and oral rehabilitation accrediting him as a world-class aesthetic dentist.
After performing the Zeta Veneers hundreds of times, Dr. Daniel Zabaleta and his team have managed to develop a technique that respects the naturalness and biological function of the teeth.
CRUZ CABALLERO, ORDEN DE DEMOCRACIA SIMÓN BOLÍVAR. CONGRESS OF THE REPUBLIC, COLOMBIA (2021): Be granted to whose services to the Homeland and virtues are eminently meritorious, and to foreign or national personalities who have distinguished themselves by their services to Colombia.
Skincare formulated with molecular science. 'Molecular’ means to work on a cellular level. If each active ingredient represents a molecule, each one can have a different size and different pathway to perform very specific and focused tasks throughout the skin. For a formula to be truly effective, its molecular structure needs to have a 360° approach to heal, repair and regenerate the skin across a complex matrix.